Thursday 28 May 2015

10 Questions to Ask Your Installer Before Buying a Window or Door

10 Questions to Ask your Installer

Buying a new window or door can be difficult and that's before choosing from a range of installation companies. Double/ Triple glazing can last for decades, so it is important to make sure you select a product and a proven company that will suit your home and will complete the perfect job!

Before you make your final decision, put your chosen company to the test. Below are 10 questions to ask your installation company before signing up for your new windows and doors to make sure they’re the perfect match:

1. Does the installer provide the style/material/colour you want?

Good quality uPVC windows can last up to 30 years, so it is vital to choose a product you like. Don’t settle, you’re going to have to love your new windows and doors for many years to come.

Get inspiration first and make sure your company has a large range of options, including features that are important to you – if triple glazing, energy efficiency or sustainability matter, then choose a company that shares your values.

2. What products does your installer use?

There are some great new products on the market today. Innovations in the manufacturing process mean that many window and door profiles are more thermally efficient, slimmer, colourfast, durable and recyclable than before. However, like in any other industry there are dud products on the market too.

Do your research – ask your installers what suppliers and brands they use. At Harvest Energy, we use Quality Guaranteed uPVC profile and manufacture our very own A-Rated, Energy Efficient Double/Triple Glazed Units using Argon Gas and K Glass and finally seal the unit with a energy efficient isomelt.

3. Can I custom-make my new windows and doors?

All good installers should order or manufacture your new double glazing product to your home’s exact measurements. This means that there may be a small wait for your windows or doors to be installed, because they’re busy being made for you personally.

This also allows you to create the exact window/ door you would like, you should be able to choose from;
  • Colour of Profile Used
  • Glass Design (Georgian Bar, Obscure Glass etc.)
  • Openings (where you would like to put in a sash to open up, and how big you would like it)
  • Glass Units (Double Glazed, Triple Glazed, Toughened)
  • Handle Colour and Style   

4. What does the installer specialize in?

There is a lot of choice out there when searching for a Window/Door company. Many offer similar product ranges, the trick is to discover which companies are experts in their field. 

5. How much experience do they have?

Be wary of any company that can’t provide you with a detailed history or profile of their experience. New companies aren’t necessarily bad, but the more testimonials and case studies they can provide, the better. Also, check the company’s credit rating to get an idea of how reliable a business they are.

6. What do the customers say about them? 

One of the best ways to gauge whether a Window/Door company will do a good job is by asking people who have previously used the company. A review or recommendation is reassuring and it's no surprise that a sizable margin of our business comes from satisfied customers who recommend our services to others. We’ve had some very good feedback on our installations, Check out our testimonials here!

7. Can I get a feel for my new windows and doors?

It’s hard sometimes to make a final decision based on images and colour swatches in catalogs. It would be a lot easier to make a decision if you could see the final result before installation. Check whether your chosen double glazing company has a showroom – this is a fantastic opportunity to see the products close up and get a much clearer idea about how the style, colour and material will suit your property.

8. Is my deposit protected?
As well as checking a company’s background, it’s important to make sure that your deposit is protected. Reliable installers should offer an Insurance Backed Guarantee, this guarantees your deposit is safe should anything happen to the company before installation begins. This guarantee also ensures the quality of the installation for 10 years after completion.   

9. What happens if I need help after the installation?

Due to the investment involved in purchasing your new windows and doors, it's a reasonable request to ask what after-sales service you will receive.  Look for a friendly company that is easy to contact and offers an aftercare service, for your peace of mind. 

10. Quality > Price
Finally, don't fall for the great "too good to be true" deal an installer has offered. Make sure of is that your choice is based on quality over price. Some companies quote unfeasible low prices to win sales and with this they may cut down on quality or care to ensure a profit is still turned. With doors and windows it's a frequent occurrence where you get what you pay for, if a company don't offer an after sales service, the initial money saved in comparison can end up costing more through the years with maintenance

Call us on (01) 8021800 or contact us here for more information about anything you’ve read here. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have. 

This is an article previously published by Clearway Doors & Windows Ltd


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